Plymouth Chiropractor Kevin Kelly trained in Chiropractic graduating from AECC in 1986. His treatments utilize many many different techniques including Chiropractic techniques that he has perfected over 30 years of practice. Chiropractic is one of the most popular health professions which specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of muscle and joint disorders and injuries. Chiropractic treatment is very safe and effective – hence it’s popularity. Chiropractic was first developed in the late 19th century and because of its effectiveness, is the largest primary health care profession in the western world besides Dentistry and Medicine.
We believe that your treatment sessions should be private on a one to one basis, so we can give you our full attention without any interruptions. The treatment rationale Mr Kelly uses has been developed over the last 20 years. His multi-factorial treatment approach is designed to relieve pain, relax tense tissues and muscles and restore normal function and motion in your joints. Various mobilising and manipulative techniques are used to return the range of motion of your stiff joints back to normal. Advice on exercise, care at home and future prevention is also given with treatment.

Mr Kelly has a particular interest in the treatment of fascia ( the connective tissue which attaches to the skin, muscles. ligaments, tendons and in fact to all the structures of the body. He treats this using a combination of Kinesio-taping, Myofascial Correction, Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation (IASTM) and Kinesio-taping